Daytona Beach Trespass Lawyer
Fighting for Clients In Deland, Daytona Beach and Throughout Central Florida
Trespass is a crime defined by Florida Statute Chapter 810 as the unauthorized and willful entrance or remainder in any structure or conveyance (Fl. Stat. 810.08) or other property (Fl. Stat. 810.09). Trespass includes entering someone’s home or car, or remaining in someone’s home or car after being told to leave. Trespass can additionally include entering fenced property, construction zones, or the exterior (curtilage) of a home. Depending on the circumstances and location of the trespass, the crime can range from a second-degree misdemeanor to a third degree felony.
We have offices in DeLand and Daytona Beach and help clients throughout Central Florida fight their criminal charges. Contact our Daytona Beach trespass lawyer by calling (386) 280-4977 today!
What is Trespass?
Trespass is not an accidental crime. In order for someone to be convicted of trespass, the state must prove that the person willfully entered or remained in any structure (any type of building with a roof over it) or conveyance (any motor vehicle, ship, trailer, aircraft, etc.). Similarly, a person can trespass by willfully remaining on other property that is not a structure or conveyance, such as a fenced piece of land. Notice that for both forms of trespass, the state must prove that the action was done willfully.
Willfully means “intentionally, knowingly, and purposely” [Florida Jury Instructions §810.08 and §810.09]. The inclusion of the word “willfully” means that it is not enough for the State to prove that you were on a piece of property or in a structure without authorization. In addition to this, they must prove that you had some sort of intent, knowledge, and purpose when you entered or refused to leave the property. However, be warned that knowledge does not necessarily mean direct knowledge. The law typically holds a standard of “known or should have known” to prove knowledge. “Should have known” is similar to having the common sense to figure out that an action is illegal. For instance, if a “No Trespassing” sign is posted, but you failed to read the sign before entering the property, this does not exempt you a trespass charge. If the sign is visible and the font is legible, even if you do not read the sign, you should have known that the sign was important to read before proceeding onto the property. However, if the sign is obstructed by branches or other vegetation, or knocked down, you have a valid defense for trespassing because the State will have difficulty proving the “willful” element.
The Circumstances Matter
Like many other charges, trespass has various degrees – or level of severity – of the crime. Degrees are determined by the circumstances and location of the offense.
Second Degree Misdemeanor – When the trespass is in a structure or conveyance [s. 810.08(2)(a)]. Punishable by up to 60 days in jail, 6 months probation, and a fine of $500.
First Degree Misdemeanor – When the trespass is in a structure or conveyance and a human being is in the structure or conveyance at the time of trespass [s. 810.08(2)(b)]; or trespass on any other property that is not a structure or conveyance [s. 810.09(2)(a)]; or defying an order to leave, willfully opening any door, fence, or gate, or unlawfully dumping litter on property [s. 820.09(2)(b)]. Punishable by up to 12 months in jail, 12 months probation, and a fine of $1,000.
Third Degree Felony – When the offender is armed with a firearm or other dangerous weapon [s. 810.08(2)(c)]; or when the trespass occurs on a construction site [s. 810.09(2)(d)], commercial horticulture property [s. 810.09(2)(e)], agriculture site for testing or research purposes [s. 810.09(2)(f)], domestic violence center [810.09(2)(g)], or agricultural chemicals manufacturing facility [s. 810.09(2)(i)]. Trespass is also considered a felony when the offender is taking or attempting to take, or harming or attempting to harm, an animal [s. 810.09(2)(h)]. Punishable by up to 5 years in jail, 5 years probation, and a fine of $5,000.
Is Trespassing A Felony?
Trespassing is typically not classified as a felony in the United States. It is usually considered a misdemeanor offense. However, the severity of the trespassing charge can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the laws of the jurisdiction in which the offense occurs.
In most cases, trespassing involves entering or remaining on someone else's property without their permission. If the trespasser's actions involve other criminal activities or additional elements, such as vandalism, burglary, or intent to commit a crime, the charges could be elevated to a higher level offense. These additional factors can result in more serious charges, which may be classified as felonies.
It's important to note that laws regarding trespassing can vary by jurisdiction, so important to seek legal advice to understand how trespassing is classified and prosecuted in your locality. Call our firm today to learn more about felony trespassing charges.
The Thompson Law Approach
While the State has the burden of proving that you committed trespass beyond every reasonable doubt, hiring Matt Thompson will make all efforts to defend you and prevent the State from reaching its burden. The duty of any defense attorney is to ensure that the State does not use evidence against you that is illogical, circumstantial, or misleads the court. If that evidence does make it into court, you want an attorney who can argue the flaws of each piece of the State’s evidence to a judge or jury, weakening their argument, and ultimately, preventing the State from meeting its difficult burden of proof. While not every criminal case will go to trial, Matt Thompson prepares each case as though it will.
This means that Thompson Law will be working with you every step of the way during the life of your case. Our firm begins by speaking directly to you. We listen to your description of the incident so that your attorney can assess the approach that is going to put you in the best position in light of your individual circumstances. Not every trespass case is the same, so an approach that worked for one client’s case may not work for yours. This is why we emphasize direct and candid communication with each and every one of our clients. With over 10 years of criminal legal experience in Volusia County, Matt Thompson knows that being accused of a crime is a difficult and confusing time in your life, and he offers the knowledge, honesty, and compassion necessary to work through your case.
Learn more about how our Daytona Beach trespass attorney can help you by contacting us online or calling (386) 280-4977 today!
Client-Focused. RESULT-DRIVEN.
Working Closely with You To Build a strong case-
Domestic Violence
Client was texting a friend when her significant other tried to grab for her phone. When the client tried to pull away, the victim claimed that he was battered and the client was arrested and brought before DCF due a child being in the house. Attorney Matt Thompson wrote a letter to the State explaining the discrepancy in evidence and claimed that the client was in fact moving away from the victim and did not intentionally try to hit the victim. All charges against the client were dismissed.
Sale and Possession of Heroin
Defendant entered a treatment facility while case was pending. Attorney Thompson provided progress reports of all of her progress during her stay to show improvement. State agreed to amend all charges to simple possession and the Defendant was sentenced into Drug Court.
Aggravated Assault with a Firearm
Client was accused of shooting a shotgun over the head of two minors. Attorney Thompson did a public records request to discover that officers reported to the scene of the crime the night of the incident and spoke to the victims on the evening the alleged crime occurred and believed the victims to be intoxicated and unreliable. Attorney Thompson conducted depositions of the officers and ultimately all charges were reduced to a misdemeanor and no incarceration.
Grand Theft, Fleeing, Possession of a Fictitious Driver’s License
Attorney Matt Thompson, through depositions and litigation was able to show that officers did not act according to the warrant by picking up the client immediately upon sight. The charge of Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Law Enforcement, which carries a mandatory felony conviction, was dismissed by the State and the client was offered probation and no felony conviction.
Sexual Battery & Domestic Battery
Mr. Thompson took depositions of the victim showing that the victim was not truthful with police when she provided her statement as to what happened. Confronted victim with social media posts, bank records, and telephone records to show that she was not in the places that she stated she was during the time the alleged crime took place. Case 1 was dismissed and the Defendant pled to Case 2 and received two (2) years of prison and credit for fifteen (15) months in prison.
Highly-Respected in the legal Community

Over 15 Years of ExperienceThere's no substitute for experience. When faced with a serious crime, you need an attorney who has successfully handled numerous cases like yours.
Aggressive Trial AttorneyMatt Thompson is a skilled trial attorney and has achieved many positive jury verdicts. If your case goes to trial, you can be confident that Matt is equipped to represent you.
High-Quality Legal RepresentationAt Thompson Law, P.A., every client matters. This means that your case will receive the personal attention and care it deserves.
Criminal Defense Is All We DoBecause our firm only focuses on criminal defense matters, you can trust our team has the specific knowledge needed to handle you case successfully.